Yoga retreats & holidays
Ashtanga is the original power yoga. A systematic sequence of predetermined flowing postures linked together with the breath.
Yoga rtreat
Included: unlimited Drinking Water, Face Towels, Yoga equipment, Cleaning Services.
Ashtanga is the original power yoga. A systematic sequence of predetermined flowing postures linked together with the breath. If you like a strong power yoga or vinyasa class then you should find this challenging and rewarding. Primary Series works to heal and align the body, with a particular focus on realignment of the spine and detoxification.
Why CC’s yoga retreat?
Ashtanga is the original power yoga. A systematic sequence of predetermined flowing postures linked together with the breath.
All inclusive
Ashtanga is the original power yoga. A systematic sequence of predetermined flowing postures linked together with the breath.
Ashtanga is the original power yoga. A systematic sequence of predetermined flowing postures linked together with the breath.
Flexible duration
Ashtanga is the original power yoga. A systematic sequence of predetermined flowing postures linked together with the breath.
Suitable for all levels of practice
Ashtanga is the original power yoga. A systematic sequence of predetermined flowing postures linked together with the breath.
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Ashtanga is the original power yoga. A systematic sequence of predetermined flowing postures linked together with the breath.
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Drinking Water, Face Towels, Yoga Equipment, Green tea after session, Outdoor Pool & Shower, Free wifi.
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Drinking Water, Face Towels, Yoga Equipment, Green tea after session, Outdoor Pool & Shower, Free wifi.
Vestibulum pulvinar rhoncus
Drinking Water, Face Towels, Yoga Equipment, Green tea after session, Outdoor Pool & Shower, Free wifi.
Vestibulum pulvinar rhoncus
Drinking Water, Face Towels, Yoga Equipment, Green tea after session, Outdoor Pool & Shower, Free wifi.
Duis eleifend maximus leo
Drinking Water, Face Towels, Yoga Equipment, Green tea after session, Outdoor Pool & Shower, Free wifi.
Vestibulum pulvinar rhoncus
Drinking Water, Face Towels, Yoga Equipment, Green tea after session, Outdoor Pool & Shower, Free wifi.
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Cras volutpat vel urna sit amet auctor.
$ 200 -
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Cras volutpat vel urna sit amet auctor.
$ 200 -
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Cras volutpat vel urna sit amet auctor.
$ 200 -
Option X
Cras volutpat vel urna sit amet auctor.
$ 200 -
Option X
Cras volutpat vel urna sit amet auctor.
$ 200 -
Option X
Cras volutpat vel urna sit amet auctor.
$ 200 -
Option X
Cras volutpat vel urna sit amet auctor.
$ 200
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus elit a augue viverra, sit amet euismod augue viverra. Proin rutrum scelerisque arcu, vel faucibus lacus varius vel. Mauris nulla ex, facilisis sit amet sapien vel, finibus imperdiet nisi. Curabitur vel mollis nunc. Nullam eget turpis quis enim ornare gravida ut at mi. Phasellus aliquam vehicula tempus. Maecenas vel turpis ut purus varius porttitor. Ut nunc risus, vehicula dapibus cursus a, ullamcorper nec est. Sed et faucibus magna. Proin quis sagittis est, quis maximus ipsum. Nulla interdum molestie enim. Nam id tellus ultricies, aliquet nisl non, varius purus. Ut neque arcu, varius in sapien ut, tincidunt ullamcorper magna.
Donec a ex pharetra, sollicitudin velit sed, dignissim odio. Aenean euismod, turpis vehicula condimentum maximus, ante nulla auctor mauris, id hendrerit odio massa molestie turpis. Maecenas ac ornare orci, elementum interdum lacus. Vivamus porta porttitor elit in bibendum. Cras eu laoreet turpis. Duis euismod massa sit amet nunc suscipit, eget aliquet magna luctus. Proin eu fermentum felis.